Thursday, June 15, 2006

Stoddard Online

Stoddard Online: . . . . I am forced to beg your forgiveness for one more day of delay in presenting the next part to the Wilbert Coffin story. As result of my reaching out to my readers a few days ago for information, I am pleased to be able to tell you that several sources have come forward, and one in particular, is relevant to the next part of the story, as this person was apparently a member of the search party for Richard Lindsey and Fred Claar. I shall be interviewing this person later this afternoon.

In addition to the above, I have also received a lengthy e-mail which details answers to questions that I had regarding the illegal liquor business in the Gaspe' area during the early 1950's. Hopefully, this will shed some light on, and connect with other information that I have.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who has taken the time, and made the effort to contact me as a result of my request, and the invitation is still very much open for others to come forward as well. Again, my e-mail address is and assuredly, if you prefer, your name will never be made public, as access to the e-mail address is limited to myself.

Again folks, thanks for your patience, and the story should be back on track with a new posting tomorrow, June 16, 2006.

Lew Stoddard
Posted to site June 15, 2006


Anonymous said...

It brightens my day to learn that there are still people out there who are still alive with knowledge of this incredible story. I think you are correct Mr. Stoddard, the key that will unlock the door will be located.

I happen to know that you have been asking a lot of questions in certain areas, that is good. Keep pounding behind the scenes. Too bad that a corrupt system of long ago was able to circumvent justice through lies and deceit, when it is now so obvious that it existed.

Gaspe' Region, Quebec

Anonymous said...

i simply cannot understand why people if they know things about criminal cases will set back and say nothing as this silence code is for kids not adults. but it does look like the government and police had control oif everyone in those days but hey! get real. dont let the idoits get away with it. speak up this is a chance to speak outt and do a family right.
i have now said my piece.

Gerard Cote
bathurst, new Brunswick

Anonymous said...

Message to Gerard Cote. You are abrupt and to the point, but I agree with you 100%.

Keep digging Lew

Dave Wilkins
Kingston, Nova Scotia

Anonymous said...

Why is it necessary to keep stirring all this stuff up after all these years.

One could argue that you are trying to make a name for yourself at someone else's expense. You can't change it, so why not let it go? You are always fuming off at the mouth, and you never have anything that is constructive, always negative. I see that here time and time again.

Kirsty Walden
Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Reply to Ms. Kirsty Walden. . .

Isn't it beautiful Kirsty that we live in a society where we are free to express our opinions and thoughts.

We should never lose sight of the fact that thousands of men and women volunteered their services, and in many cases, gave their lives so that we can enjoy those freedoms today.

We owe these gallant people a huge debt of gratitude. One of these gallant people was Wilbert Coffin, who spent the six years of the Second World War fighting to ensure that we enjoy those freedoms today.

I am of the opinion Kirsty, that executing this man for a crime, that I believe with all my heart that he did not commit, is not a fitting debt of gratitude.

Thank you Kirsty for your comment and question.

Ps: With reference to your comment of nothing constructive on my site, and always negative content, I have come to the realization that there probably is a reason why they put an "off" position on the control switch, I think it is referred to as "Freedom Of Choice" by our constitution.

Lew Stoddard

Anonymous said...

Hi, the "coffin" case has always touched my heart as an injustice. I hope I am not too forward in asking what this case means to you? Why the interest at this point? At the same time, I hope you succeed to put his name to rest as innocent.

Anonymous said...

To the readers of this blog:

I was recently directed to this sight, and although I avoided reading about the Wilbert Coffin and Steven Truscott cases for days, my interest finally got the better of me because, being familiar with Lew and his passion for justice for all of us, I felt I could somehow could trust what he had to say.

Why did I avoid it? Because these dark epsodes of Canadian history struck a little too close to home for me. I personally lived through a miscarriage of justice and don't like to discuss it with anyone because it just brings back memories that I'd just as soon forget. Let me assure any of you readers who may have a fairy tale belief (though I don't think there's many) that police investigations are always thorough and unbiased, think again. Sometimes they're nothing more than "witch hunts" in order just to close a file. Sometimes it can be deliberate,... and sometimes I think it may be just due to overworked, understaffed and burnt out police departments. There may be many of those among you who know this all too well from 1st hand experience.

Tactics sometimes used in order to get a "confession" can be cruel and disgusting. The emotional "wearing away" at an innocent party based on feeble "evidence" is a pathetic approach. So is the taking and twisting of words in order to present what is considered to be a "case". This all happened in my case.

My particular ordeal caused me to experience severe panic attacks, and I was enouraged by a good friend to see a particular psychiatrist (one that wouldn't simply brush me off with a prescription). After telling him my situation and that I thought I was going crazy, he assured me that I wasn't, further adding that he felt I was handling my situation better than most. That particular session with the doctor taught me an important lesson which I'd like to share. If any of you are ever asked to take a polygraph test,... remember one imporant scientific fact,... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "LIE RESPONSE". Regardless of what the polygraph testor may tell you. Polygraphy is about as accurate as weather predicting. Need I say more. There's more I could share, but that's as far I chose to go at this point.

I feel deeply for families like the Coffins and Truscotts. The pain, shame and scars an unfairly practiced legal system can bring on the victims and their familes is beyond words. Although, by comparison, my particular ordeal nowhere near equals the nightmare experienced by Wilbert and Steven, it was still a personal nightmare.

When you experience this it most definitley changes you. I became extremely withdrawn and mistrusting of people in general. Fortunately, some of that has since changed for me, but not without a lot of work on my part and support from loving family and friends - plus moving to another part of the country to make a new start. It's only been recently (20 years later) that I don't cringe and feel apprehensive every time I see a police car.

I know I'm writing very generally and not giving a lot of details, but the details aren't important. The purpose of my writing here is simply to say that I think we should all support the efforts of people like Lew. There aren't many like him who are as fearless and dilligent in wanting to get to the truth AND share what they discover with the world over the Internet. He stirred things up for me. If he stirs things up for you,... that's a good thing. We sometimes need to be stirred up. It makes us better, smarter, more loving and well rounded citizens and individuals. Furthermore, if Lew discovered he was wrong about something, I believe he has the character and humility to say so. He's a truth seeker who isn't in it for personal glory. Continue your work with passion, Lew. I appreciate it as do so many others.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Stoddard,

As someone told you awhile back, the pen is mighter than the sword. Your reply to Ms. Kirsty Walden of Toronto sums that up well.

Hey people, a few days ago I saw a statement on here that said, and I quote. . "Don't shoot the messenger, just because you don't like the message that the messenger delivers."

Recognize the fact that Mr. Stoddard is only trying to present facts of what happened over 50 years ago. If it had been done fairly and legally back then, there would be no need to write about it today. Let's unite and get behind this project and leave the cheap shots behind. Are you listening, Ms. Walden?

D McAdam
Presque Isle, Maine

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Just testing