Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Stoddard Online

Stoddard Online


A number of weeks back, as a result of my reaching out for information pertinent to this case, I received an e-mail from a gentleman that I had contacted a few days before. This particular gentleman, even though he had no personal information, conveyed an event to me with reference to an acquaintance, that very quickly gained my attention.

This gentleman informed me that some weeks or months after the homicides in the woods near Gaspe', his friend, while hunting, found an object wrapped in discarded toweling or rags in the forest. Obviously, this object had been discarded where it was found. That object was reported to be a handgun. This handgun was located in relatively close proximity to the crime scenes.

In his e-mail to me, this gentleman informed me that upon finding the handgun, his friend had shown it to his Dad, and his Dad had advised him to get rid of it, so as to not get involved in anything. In response to his Dad's orders, I was informed that he had thrown the handgun into a particular river in the area, which, for the time being will remain nameless for obvious reasons. I was further informed by the gentleman who e-mailed me, that he would not disclose his friends name or e-mail address, but he would forward my return e-mail to his friend, who might decide to come forward.

Some weeks passed, and I had received no follow up to my request from the gentleman who had originally conversed with me by e-mail. I contacted this gentleman again, and he informed me that he had passed the information on to his friend, and that he would be pleased to talk to him again, and if I did not hear from this person to get back to him.

Approximately three days later, I received an e-mail from the friend. He did indeed confirm that he had found a handgun, and stated to me what he believed to be the calibre, which for certain reasons, I am not prepared to identify right now. His version of events however, differed from that which had been originally conveyed to me. This gentleman identified himself, and informed me that he had found the handgun in the river and had taken it home to the Gaspe' region. He further stated to me that "someone" from Gaspe' had come to the house and picked it up, but that he did not remember who this person was.

I want to assure this person that you have nothing to fear. You are not, and never was suspected of involvement in these crimes. I have two versions of the same event, and it is imperative that I determine which is accurate. You have to consider, that particular handgun did not walk into the forest, or jump into the river. It was discarded because of one reason, that reason being that it had been involved in a serious crime, whether it be this crime that I am working on, or some other crime.

Sir, I am appealing to you. You only have to e-mail me, and I shall look after the details as to the recovery of the handgun. If it is still in the river, it is most likely retrieveable. If it was picked up by someone from the Gaspe' region, I need to know that as well. I have reason to believe, and I do believe, this particular handgun may have played a part in the Gaspe' murders of 1953. To not come forward Sir, simply enables someone to walk free, and at the same time, makes it much more difficult to prove another mans innocence who paid the ultimate price.

As well, if there are others out there who can relate any details whatsoever, of this handgun, or any other events pertinent to this crime, again, I urge you to come forward. Thank you to all those who have done just that. In this particular instance, I know it took a tremendous amount of courage to come forward to me. That alone tells me that you want the truth brought to the surface in this matter.

Lew Stoddard
Posted to site August 30, 2006

Again folks, sorry for the delay in the posting of the next episode of my story, however, as you can understand, the gravity of the situation is enormous. I am confident that in the next very short while, we will all be breathing a sigh of relief in knowing that collectively, we made it happen, and sought and found the truth. Thank you and God Bless you one and all.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Stoddard Online

Stoddard Online


Again folks, I have to reach out to you once more for some very important information. This information is vital to establishing the true details of this case. This information will detail accessibility to the area by vehicle where the Lindsey and Claar murders took place in 1953.

It was the Crown's contention at the trial, that there was one way in, and one way out. I simply do not believe that, nor do I accept that. It would have been accepted as evidence that way at trial, chiefly because the defense lawyer, Raymond Maher, did an absolutely abhorrent job for his client, Wilbert Coffin, by not calling any witnesses for the defense.

It may be fifty two years since the trial, but facts do not erase with time. This is your chance to be the witness that never was, back in 1954 for Wilbert Coffin. I implore you to give this your utmost consideration. I ask you, if you had been Wilbert Coffin, would you not want folks to come forward for you? I suspect that I know the answer to that question.

It may be too late to bring Wilbert Coffin back, but I can assure you, it is not too late to come out of your corner swinging to clear his name. Good folks, Wilbert Coffin's family, some still living in the area, others who now live elsewhere, need and deserve some measure of closure to this affair. His son, James Coffin has been forced to endure a living Hell for all his life as a result of this. Folks like Marie, her sisters, nieces Debbie, Diane, Judy, and all their families, and the list goes on and on, have had to shoulder this in the community for too many years.

Trust me please, when I publicly ask your help here, I am serious. It has to happen today, it has to happen now. There simply is no tomorrow this time. This will be our final chance to stand and be counted. The crown built an uncontested case with bits and pieces of circumstantial testimony, much of it false and misleading. This is our chance to build a case that will throw their so called evidence and conviction into disarray. This case will be based on fact. This case will leave no question marks. Folks, it can be done. I cannot do it alone. I need your help.

All I ask is that, if you were perhaps a hunter, a woods worker, a sport fisherman, a hiker, or for whatever reason you are familiar with the woods in this crime area, I need to hear from you. If you have an elderly relative or friend still living who would have this information, I need to hear from you. As usual, my e-mail address is I am also asking that if you can supply me with this information, would you be willing to swear an affadavit to that effect. It would be a very simple procedure that would take only moments of your time. This part however, would not be necessary until a bit later, but it is vitally important that I have this to build the case.

Thank you so much for those who came forward with information a few days ago concerning the Jeep vehicle. I appreciate that a lot. It proves my theory that there are folks who are determined to bring this case to conclusion.

Lew Stoddard
Posted to site August 24, 2006

Monday, August 21, 2006

Stoddard Online

Stoddard Online


You will recall in the past, I have found it necessary to delay my story periodically of the Wilbert Coffin affair, in order that I might seek information pertinent to the case. This is one of those times.

I received some information yesterday, that in my view, potentially could destroy one of the main points of the crown's case that was used to convict Wilbert Coffin. It is not second hand information. The person is still very much alive, and possesses a very vivid recollection of events. As well, I can tell you that this person was then, and still is, a resident of the Gaspe' area.

It is vitally important that I receive any information that you may be able to assist me with in reference to "Jeep" automobiles that would have been seen in or around the Gaspe' area during the middle half of the month of June 1953. I cannot give you a description of the said vehicle that I am seeking information on, because simply, I do not want to put words into anyone's mind. Clearly, I am seeking corroborative information and identification of this vehicle which has been brought to my attention. In this particular instance, there are unique qualities that would set this vehicle apart from similar type vehicles.

This request may seem impossible, however, it is important to note that at least one person has come forward with positive information. I simply do not believe that this one person is the only person still alive who will have a recollection of this vehicle.

To reiterate, I cannot stress the importance of this information, as it will buttress a factual correlation of events leading up to these murders in the woods of Gaspe' in 1953.

As usual, simply click on e-mail and send me the information, or if it is easier for you, my e-mail address is For obvious reasons in this instance, I ask that you do not put the information on the comment board. As usual on this site, if you wish to remain anonymous, your wishes will be respected. If you are old enough to remember those days, or if you are a younger person with elderly parents or relatives, I desperately need your help to bring this matter to conclusion.

My feelings have always been that one day the key would be found that would unlock the door. I believe that key is getting closer to being located in the very near future. Thank you.

Lew Stoddard
Posted to site August 21, 2006

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Stoddard Online

Stoddard Online: Continued from part eight. . . .

July 28, 1953 dawned as another disappointing day for Captain Alphonse Matte. Reflecting on the past evenings coroners private inquest of the three American hunters, it became abundantly clear to Captain Matte that for a case of murder to be built around Wilbert Coffin, it would require work, a lot of it, by a lot of people. He was determined. Wilbert Coffin was the last known person at the time to have seen the Americans alive, therefore, according to Captain Matte, Mr. Coffin was his man.

Little emphasis was placed on the findings of Dr. Lionel Rioux, the local area coroner. If the coroner had any doubts as to Wilbert Coffin's explanation in the beginning, those doubts were erased as the inquest proceeded with Mr. Coffin's recollection of events concerning himself and the American hunters. The coroner had made no recommendation whatsoever that would implicate Mr. Coffin as the guilty party. The same views were shared by Sgt. Henri Doyon of the Quebec Provincial Police. Captain Matte chose to ignore the findings completely, and proceeded to build a case in an agressive accelerated fashion. Simply put, no back woods coroner was going to stand in the way of Captain Alphonse Matte. Afterall, he had the town wound around his little finger. Wilbert Coffin was now a doomed man.

With the inquest now over, and Wilbert Coffin having answered the questions of the coroner, he now proceeded back to his camp in the forest to continue his prospecting work. This would anger Captain Matte. Here was his man, the inquest over, and nothing to hold him on, heading out of town. In his mind he would change that, and very quickly at that.

Captain Matte now concentrated his efforts on Wilbert's trip to Montreal. He was determined to have the route retraced, even if it meant visiting every nook and cranny on the journey. He also knew something else. He knew that in order to cement a foolproof case of murder against Wilbert Coffin, he would need a confession.

It is important to reflect here for a moment. One has to understand a very demonstrated fact with reference to this case. The bottom line was simply this, not only must the justice department of Quebec convict in this case to earn credibility drom The United States, they must also execute as a means of driving home the message that United States citizens are taken seriously when spending money in Quebec.

There is room to argue, in this case, Wilbert Coffin, who had no financial means or resources to fight back was to be the sacrificial lamb. This would become abundantly evident as the case progressed, and more importantly, in this instance, the planned execution of Wilbert Coffin was very much on the horizon

There are those who will argue that I am sensationalizing. If that is true, how do we account for the fact that a picture of Wilbert Coffin was found in Captain Matte's office. That alone perhaps, could be considered insignificant. It takes on new meaning however, when we learn that a pen had been used to draw a noose around Wilbert Coffin's neck in the picture, with the caption underneath stating, "our next hanging." The picture was then prominently displayed on his office wall.

Truly, Captain Alphonse Matte was obsessed with thoughts of the eventual execution, and perhaps, the Captain may have been enamored with the thoughts of the booty that would surely come his way for delivering his quarry to the gallows. Do not be too quick to condemn me here if you are thinking that I have an overactive imagination, because a bit later in the story, you will see that great things did happen for Captain Matte, compliments of Premier Maurice Duplessis.

Without doubt, in my view, this case is now beginning to exhibit all those qualities and characteristics that would prove consistent with someone driven to succeed in their determination to hang someone, anyone, and in this case Wilbert Coffin, as a means of supporting personal whims and desires, in an attempt to quench the thirst of an insatiable demented mind and administration.

One cannot truthfully say, this is merely an example of justice gone wild or bad. That is because, in order for justice to go wild or bad, you would first have to have a display of justice in the first place. That is the one key element that has plagued this case from the onset. It lacked a sense of justice, and thus, it was void of credibility.

The date was now August 05, 1953. Captain Matte is getting edgy. He has his man that he has selected as the guilty party. He is minus one key element. That key element is evidence. He simply has none. A meeting is convened with his coherts. Captain Matte discusses arresting Wilbert Coffin as a material witness. Bring him in, shake him down, get a confession. That is the way it works, right? It might work like that in the movies, but in this case, I urge you to read on.

The next day, August 06, 1953 Captain Alphonse Matte instructed his right hand man, Sgt. Jean-Charles VanHoutte to go to Wilbert's camp in the bush on the pretense of Wilbert accompaning him to town to make a voluntary statement. As in every other instance, Wilbert was most cooperative and agreed to accompany the sergeant. Little did Wilbert Coffin know, other than his short two hour taste of freedom when he would escape two years later, this would prove to be the last time that he would ever walk a free man.

Lew Stoddard
Posted to site August 18, 2006

In a few days, the next posting will cover Wilbert's journey through the so called system of bush league justice. It is necessary to stop here, because the section from his arrest up to the trial is really a section all to it's own, and will detail cruelty, manipulation, deceit, and a whole host of other factors necessary to bring a case against Wilbert Coffin. When you read in the next post of the conduct of the upcoming public inquest, I am certain, you will be convinced of my findings and the accusations that I make.

Please accept my apologies regarding the delay in the posting of the above segment. It was due to factors beyond my control. As a result, I was able to garner much worthwhile and valuable information surrounding the case.