Sometimes before moving forward it is necessary to stop and bring certain things into perspective. The time has now arrived to do just that here on "Stoddard Online."
You may recall a couple of weeks back a certain Clement Fortin commenced leaving comments on my web site. You may further recall that this Mr. Fortin was touting some new publication that he had recently launched into the market place. This particular publication apparently dealt with the Wilbert Coffin affair, and was produced from trial transcripts.
Those who know of me would very quickly recognize the fact that I do not get too excited when someone claiming to be an authority suddenly looms, waving another sheaf of papers. Usually, the emergence of these people provide some humour on an otherwise gloomy day. As the old saying goes,"they came, they saw, and suddenly, they are now going to conquer." A few months down the road, their ream of excellence will claim it's rightful resting place, "stashed amid the dust collectors between the book-ends of time."
My mission statement is simple. It states in part that I will argue until the end of time for one to present their opinion, even though it does not parallel mine. My position has not changed. Though I may be committed to accept diverse opinion in general, there is no obligation on my part to supply the vehicle to express that opinion. Such is the case with Mr. Clement Fortin.
Mr. Fortin has side-stepped the rules. This is totally unacceptable. I shall go into detail, so that you may form your own opinion with respect to this matter.
Clement Fortin has set up a blog site to tout his recent publication. He maintains that he is the modern voice of "French Canada" on the Wilbert Coffin affair, and he makes reference to me as the voice of "English Canada" on the Wilbert Coffin affair. Let me set something straight here and now Mr. Fortin. Never, and nor would I, ever refer to this case as being language based. I get lots of support from French speaking Canadians on my site and I always have. I couldn't care less if your native tongue is Pig Latin, if I can assist in bringing this case to conclusion. That is my mandate. You Sir on the otherhand, are free to do whatever you see fit to achieve your goals as long as it doesn't involve me. I shall now elaborate.
Mr. Fortin's original posting to my comment board came complete with his photograph and a description of this publication that he apparently has. I have made it clear in the past, I do not allow book sellers to promote their products on my site. Folks who have attempted this in the past had the decency to ask permission, which of course is always turned down. Clement Fortin apparently sees himself in a different perspective than others. He simply walks in unannounced and attempts to set up shop.
From this point on, Clement Fortin gets bolder and bolder. This is also the point Mr. Fortin that I ask you to pay special attention to what I am going to say. Take a deep breath Mr. Fortin because you may not like it. I do not enjoy reporting on it either, but you have forced my hand and involved me in actions, that in my view are fraudelent and deceitful, and as well emit the appearance of gaining under false pretenses.
Clement Fortin, you have a web site and that is no secret. As near as I can determine, you have created this site to create a potential reading audience for your material. That is your business, however, when I see how you have personally involved myself in the gathering of material for your site, it then becomes my business. I encourage you to read on with everyone else, and Mr. Fortin, I ask that you pay particular attention because in my view, many examples of false pretenses are about to be exposed.
Until late last evening, December 04, 2007, Mr. Fortin, I counted a total of 12 comments on your complete site. Of those 12 comments, a total of 9 of them were copies of comments on my site, "Stoddard Online" and then pasted on your site. On each of these comments, you state that you received these comments from the senders by e-mail, and you quote your e-mail address, making it look very straight forward. There is one small hitch though. Read on.
For you to state that these comments were sent directly to you by way of the e-mail address provided by you is a falsehood. I am going to copy an example of what I am saying and post it here. This comment was sent to the "Stoddard Online" web site on November 25, 2007. The author of this comment was Geri Ironside from British Columbia. I am reproducing it here today with her permission. Here is her comment as it appeared on my site on the day of submission.
Geri Ironside said...
I must admit that I havn't read Mr. Fortin's book which he says was written based on the trial transcripts. I would pose the question---would't we read the same information that has been around the block several times? What of the documents, police reports, and affidavits, etc. that were disallowed at the trial? If these facts had been given to the jury to ponder and weigh, the scales of justice would have tipped in a different direction.
I must admit that I havn't read Mr. Fortin's book which he says was written based on the trial transcripts. I would pose the question---would't we read the same information that has been around the block several times? What of the documents, police reports, and affidavits, etc. that were disallowed at the trial? If these facts had been given to the jury to ponder and weigh, the scales of justice would have tipped in a different direction.
Geri Ironside
Pt. Coquotlam, B.C.
25 November, 2007
25 November, 2007
Here is the same comment extracted from your site stating that it was sent to you, to the address provided, on November 25, 2007.
Clément Fortin said...
----- Original Message -----
----- Original Message -----
From: Geri Ironside
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 3:04 AM
Subject: [Stoddard Online] New comment on THE WILBERT COFFIN CASE.THE END OF THE JOURNEY.. T....Geri Ironside has left a new comment on the post "THE WILBERT COFFIN CASE.THE END OF THE JOURNEY.. T...":
I must admit that I havn't read Mr. Fortin's book which he says was written based on the trial transcripts. I would pose the question---would't we read the same information that has been around the block several times? What of the documents, police reports, and affidavits, etc. that were disallowed at the trial? If these facts had been given to the jury to ponder and weigh, the scales of justice would have tipped in a different direction.
Geri Ironside
Pt. Coquotlam, B.C.
It is interesting to note Mr. Fortin, that Ms. Ironside made the exact same typographical errors in the comment that you post on your site, that she did when she posted it to my site. Clearly, it is a case of copying the material. One final thing as well Mr. Fortin, and you would not have been aware of this . Ms. Ironside resides in the same home that I do. It was very easy to confirm all this with her.
My suspicions were confirmed at this point. Messages were appearing on your site at an accelerated rate. You copied and pasted my comments to you that I had made on my own web site. You pasted my same comments twice. I did notice though, that for some strange reason you did not state that my comments had arrived to you via your e-mail address.
The next one that I shall highlight is from Reg Mersereau of Fredericton, New Brunswick. The following is an exact reprint of Reg's letter to my comment board, and then later appearing on your site as your received material .
Clément Fortin said...
----- Original Message -----
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 4:20 AM
Subject: [Stoddard Online] New comment on THE WILBERT COFFIN CASE.THE END OF THE JOURNEY.. T....Reg Mersereau has left a new comment on the post "THE WILBERT COFFIN CASE.THE END OF THE JOURNEY.. T...":
I agree 100% it was the evidence that "wasn't" put before the jury that caused Wilbert Coffin to be executed. If it has taken this Fortin guy 53 years to understand that, then his head has been in the sand. I am not a lawyer but I have no trouble seeing that.
Reg Mersereau
Fredericton, N B
Again, this is a clear example of the copying of material from my site to yours. I can personally guarantee 100% accuracy in what I am going to tell you next regarding the letter from Reg.
You see Clement, by this time it was evident that you were feasting on your new found store house of popularity. There are many examples of comments being stolen from my comment board and appearing on your site.
During this period, not once did I complain to you. I merely observed on a day by day basis as to what was taking place. I made the decision to go on a fishing trip. A fishing trip that I hoped would supply the necessary confirmation as to what was going on with my web site. I thought that it might take some time. Little did I know, I used the right bait the first time around. I say that because instantly my bait was grabbed and devoured on the first cast.
You see Clement I set up a sting operation. I created a fictitious character. I gave him a name. His name became Reg Mercereau. "Reg" sent a baited comment to my message board that contained comments that might incite someone to grab hold. It worked miraculously well. According to you Mr. Fortin, "fictitious Reg" was apparently able to send an e-mail to you. Without doubt, that was an incredible feat.
I could go on and on and cite many other examples, but what would it prove at this point. I am certain that I have made it abundantly clear to my readers. The mandate of my page has been, is, and always will be the maintaining of integrity. That is why I expose this junk when it surfaces from time to time.
I have noticed Mr. Fortin that as of yesterday's date you placed another message on my comment board stating that you have installed a permanent link to my site from yours. According to yourself, you did this so that your viewers would have a quick link to what I am saying about the Wilbert Coffin case. Mr. Fortin, as I see it, you have no viewers or readers, because as I peruse your site, it is made up almost completely of readers that you have stolen from my site.
You state Clement that you are a lawyer. I really do not know if you are or not, and down deep I don't really care. You do state that you have been in private practise, precisely where I do not know, and that you taught law at The University Of Sherbrooke. I am curious Mr. Fortin, if the actions that I have described above are becoming for those of a professional entrusted with the guiding of students in a faculty of law. I will not attempt to answer that question. I will leave it to those more qualified. That is my reason for making the decision to provide a copy of this posting to the law faculty at the university. It would be interesting as well, to learn the opinion of The Quebec Bar Association, should they be approached.
In congruous fashion Clement, I am curious as well if it is becoming of a publishing house to resort to the acceptance of this sort of behaviour from it's authors. Again, as above I will not attempt to answer that question. That is my reason for making the decision to provide a copy of this posting to your publishers, Wilson & Lafleur. In my view, the behaviour as I have described here of an author representing a publishing house, appears extreme in the quest to sell a few books.
I wish also to point out something to readers of these sites. On the main opening page there is a link that states "View My Complete Profile." When this link opens up, one of the items displayed is a little box indicating the number of profile views since each individual site came into existence. That number cannot be relied upon to provide an accurate number of hits to any of the blog pages. The reason is simple. The number is too easily influenced. You could sit there from any computer on the internet and click in and out of the link and it would record a new visit each time. There are other ways as well. When the profile page is open, it is only necessary to click the "F5" key. As fast as you can click, it will record you another profile visit. I thought that I would point that out to you Mr. Fortin, because I notice that for the very short time that you have been on your site, you appear to have an inordinate amount of profile visits recorded, and there is always the chance that someone may be playing with your numbers. In your case though, based on your popularity, the figures are probably quite accurate. Personally, I have no faith in any system that can be so easily skewed.
I wish also to point out something to readers of these sites. On the main opening page there is a link that states "View My Complete Profile." When this link opens up, one of the items displayed is a little box indicating the number of profile views since each individual site came into existence. That number cannot be relied upon to provide an accurate number of hits to any of the blog pages. The reason is simple. The number is too easily influenced. You could sit there from any computer on the internet and click in and out of the link and it would record a new visit each time. There are other ways as well. When the profile page is open, it is only necessary to click the "F5" key. As fast as you can click, it will record you another profile visit. I thought that I would point that out to you Mr. Fortin, because I notice that for the very short time that you have been on your site, you appear to have an inordinate amount of profile visits recorded, and there is always the chance that someone may be playing with your numbers. In your case though, based on your popularity, the figures are probably quite accurate. Personally, I have no faith in any system that can be so easily skewed.
A short way back in this posting I alluded to the message that you posted yourself on my site informing everyone that you had installed a direct link to my page. That could suggest to some that we have an accord between us. We haven't in the past, we do not now, and we will not have in the future. In other words, we have absolutely nothing in common. The situation involving the "borrowing" of commenters from my site to yours, and the establishment of the link between the sites is a product that has been concocted entirely in your own mind.
Clement, I am not certain as to why you have chosen to go the route that you have displayed through all of this. One can only speculate the motives. It is you Clement, who harbours the true motive in this particular instance. It has been demonstrated that some get caught up in the associated fifteen minutes of fame that many seek throughout a lifetime. Whatever the true reason, it is unfortunate that individuals will get caught up in such shenanigans, especially at the expense of others. When insufferable rudeness occurs, as is displayed by your actions in this matter, it became time for me to bring the matter to conclusion.
In closing, I want my readers of my site to be fully aware of the fact that I implore you, Clement Fortin, to cease/desist these practises immediately, and that within the next 24 hours you will go into the settings for your site and immediately take down the link that you installed to the "Stoddard Online" site and immediately inform me that it has been carried out. As the saying goes in legal jargon, "Govern Yourself Accordingly."
Lew Stoddard
Message to Clement Fortin:
My name is Mrs. Geri Ironside. On November 25, 2007, I posted a message on this web site.
Yesterday afternoon, December 05, 2007, I had a meeting with Lew Stoddard. Mr. Stoddard showed me the message that I had placed on this web site on November 25, 2007,
The message that Mr. Stoddard showed me was on your web site with a claim by yourself that you had received it from me by e-mail.
Mr. Fortin, you are a "liar". Never have I placed a message on your web site, or sent you an e-mail.
You have obviously pasted that message on your site and claiming it as your own for your own purposes. I resent this action on your part.
I want all who read this site, and to any who read yours to be aware of your tactics. Is this your method of acquiring feedback and interest?
Certainly your actions create the question, "Is the product that you are turning out for sale more credible than what you are displaying here?"
Geri Ironside
Port Coquitlam, BC
In case anyone is wondering why the previous comment shows as deleted, I was doing some testing for Lew and inserted a test comment and then deleted it. The program does not allow one to show no evidence of the comment and instead leves the shown wording.
Gus Mitchell
My congratulations to you Sir on the progress of your story and investigation. I am anxious to read of the stuff to which you referred regarding Officer Sinnett. I believe that you have successfully solved this case. Merry Christmas to you Mr. Stoddard and Mrs. Mitchell and all those who have come forward in this twisted mess.
D. McKelvie
Grand Falls, N B
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Lew. Hope you have great family times. I would like to wish the best to our Armed Forces Personnel who may not be home this special time of year. You are always in our thoughts and hearts. Keep safe.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. God bless you
diane peter
uncle bill's niece
to all the families that have read or posted on this sight,I wish you all a safe and Blessed Christmas. To Marjory and her family I will continue to pray for closure in the innocence of your Uncle. A Very Merry Christmas to Lew and those that have spent numerous hours on this case. sincerely, Geri from Haileybury,Ont.
To all of the nice people on this site. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas. May the New Year bring closure to Wilburt Coffin's case
I am a reader that you had previously accused of being someone else. Interested in the Coffin case, I thought I'd try your site again. To no avail. You still spend more time defending yourself to losers ( and those you falsely accuse). Maybe a bit more time could be spent on editing your text. You often say in a thousand words what could clearly be depicted in 50. You are not the ONLY so-called credible source. Get over yourself!
To Mr. Anonymous,
Always good to hear from you. Obviously, you are experiencing some pre-Christmas depression. Lots of it going around this time of year.
Hadn't heard from you for awhile, so naturally was getting concerned. I did get an e-mail yesterday that causes me to think that perhaps you may be that same person, but who knows huh? One thing is certain, both of you are so similar in style, but hey, we all have a double in life so they say.
I think I mentioned to you a couple of times, it is folks such as yourself that makes it necessary to draw things out, as you appear to experience difficulty in comprehension in any other format. This is evident by the repetitive nature of your questions, but that is ok. I've learned to accept those things now.
Tomorrow there will be a new posting dealing with Christmas. You will like that one I am sure. It has your name written all over it.
I want you to have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, and thanks for your continued and valued support of "Stoddard Online."
Lew Stoddard
Host of Stoddard Online
Ps....In this job, "it is so hard to soar with the eagles when one has to plummet with the turkeys"
Good job you can take this crap in style.It is simply amazing what people can bring themselves to say under the cloak of anonymity. There was a twin to mr/ms anonymous on some of the forums that I participated in about the Truscott case. "Your" anonymous could be "my" anonymous, they sound so much alike! Also, they ARE very much alike in that neither of them were able to contribute one iota to further the case.
But then, how much credibility can you give to one who is anonymous?
NONE is the obvious answer.
On a happier note, Lew, let me take this opportunity to thank you for your great contribution to the Coffin case. It is my belief that the Coffin family will see closure largely on the tremendous work you have done.
Merry Christmas to you my friend.
I see that you've posted yet again on promising something new.
I may be wrong, but I think I read somewhere that you were to identify who you believed was responsible for the deaths of Eugene Lindsay, Richard Lindsay and Frederick Claar.
Am I correct in stating this?
Paul Jones
Québec City
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